Saturday, June 05, 2004

Dream Journal - 06/05/04

It was very brief - Saturday morning I was laying in bed, drowsing. I was having a Disney-dream (tm) (first one of those I've had in a good while). We were riding some kind of new Muppet ride (all of us were there - my family, my parents and my wife's parents) and the ride never went anywhere, nor had any kind of theming. The little cars just kind rode around in circles out in a yard somewhere, and I remember all of us being really disappointed.

Anyway, right at the end of the dream, I remember thinking, "Hey, this can't be real - it must be a dream!" And for a brief moment I was aware I was dreaming, and looking at myself in 3rd person, standing somewhere in the park. I then woke up, and couldn't get back to sleep.

Possibly a big step for me, I suppose. Nothing can happen without the self-awareness.

I had another dream this morning (drowsing again - I think that's the secret). All I remember was my daughter running around saying she had thrown up. She had, and I went to clean it up. My wife said to give her something light to drink, but there wasn't anything - I'd have to make something! But then I remembered we had some Pedialite popsicles. There was something about the mattresses being upright, as well.

Then we were all in a giant RV being driven around somewhere. Other than the fact I noticed it was a smooth ride, that's all I remember.

Two mornings in a row - a new record :)


At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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