Monday, December 20, 2004

Dream Journal - 12/19/04

I was at an amusement park all day Saturday, and was quite cold and exhausted when I got home Saturday night. Went to bed at 11:30 pm.

The first part of my dream I don't recall any details. There is a strong feeling, though, that I was present at a struggle between good and evil. Possibly even a participant.

Next, I recall driving down a road in our van, with my son in the back seat. There is a violent storm raging around us, with numerous streak of lightning flashing all around us. I'm trying to get us out of the storm, when suddenly the sky clears and the sun comes out. It doesn't feel right, and I begin to feel suspicious.

A flock of birds are flying low to the ground in front of my. They fly right to left, crossing the path of my van. As they get in front of me, they are immediately sucked straight up. I realize with a start I'm seeing the first signs that I'm in a tornado.

I feel the van picked up off the road a couple of feet, then dropped back to the ground. As I frantically try to get off the road and find safe harbor, I see the swirl of a funnel cloud outside the car, and we are lifted off the road again. This time much higher, and for longer.

With a BOOM I find myself, my son and the van up in a tree where it has fallen and come to rest. The van is balanced precariously balanced in the branches, and I must get my son and myself to safety.

Segue to:

I'm with the rest of my family, and we're going back home to see what kind of damage the tornado did. In the dream, we live in an apartment (we have a house in real life. The apartment isn't one I've ever lifed in in my life, but it did seem familiar to me). As we enter our apartment, we see that a lot of our furniture is gone, and someone has seemed to have moved in new furniture. Our first immediate fear is that someone has stolen our belongings, then we have an idea our landlord, for some reason, thought we weren't returning, sold our belongings and re-rented the property.

It's then I realize we're on the wrong floor - our apartment is on the ground floor. We all troop downstairs and go in our apartment. The apartment seems to be mostly empty, and doesn't appear to have been lived in.

I glance into a room, and my mother-in-law lies dead on the floor.

Wake up! It's 1:30. What a very odd image, and it wakes me up. I feel very disconcerted, and wonder if I should have my wife call home to make sure her mom's ok. I decide that's not a good idea.

When I finally wake up later in the morning, I recall that the next dream sequence, I"m describing the tornado to someone, as if I were blogging it...


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