Sunday, July 11, 2004

Dream Journal - 07/11/04

This is the first opportunity I've had to notice three distinctly different dreams. I went to bed last night around 1:30am, but got up around 9:00 this morning.

1st Dream: All I recall is having something to do with being under a very large spreading tree. That's the only image I recall, but it was very distinct.

2nd Dream: This I remember most clearly. There were a number of stick or rod puppets placed around my office area. It actually wasn't my office -- it was a bit more stark and antiseptic, more like a doctor's office -- but in the dream I knew it to be mine. I and another person (female?) picked up the puppets and walked around with them, making them talk.

Then perhaps some time passed, and I was walking into my younger brother's room. His room was very hi-tech -- lots of sound and video equipment, and computers. I was gathering some CD's, DVD's and CD-ROM's that belonged to me, actually removing some of them from the components. As I was boxing them up in their boxes, my brother came in with some of his friends.

My brother's actual room never looked like that, nor did I recognize the person who was my "brother" or his friends. I do have a younger brother, but that wasn't him. Again, as in the first part, in the dream somehow I accepted who the person was.

3rd Dream: I was watching, or perhaps participating in, a Lion King sequel starting Timon's (the meerkat) brother - his name was Timon backwards, something like Nomit, but that wasn't exactly it. I watched Nomit jumping from either a crashing building or a sinking ship into the ocean.

Sometimes I fear for my sanity ;)


At 5:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lachesis, this is a great site. I'm new to dreaming as well... well, lucid dreaming that is. This post is not for advice or whatnot, but merely congratulations, and keep it up! :)

- Nemesis (from Dream Views)

ps. Hooray for names ending in 'esis'! ;)


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