Friday, June 18, 2004

Dream Journal - 06/18/04

Just a couple short snippets. I woke up with a very sore shoulder and neck, so that took a lot of attention when I came out of the dream this morning...

Yesterday I read the 9/11 Commission's report on the circumstances of that day. I apparently dreamed about reading them, and felt very frustrated and angry. No particular actions to the dream, although I may have been watching a presentation on a very large screen or board.

After that, I dreamed I got a phone call. I answered, and a voice said, "Ok guys - go ahead..." A moment passed, and then, "HI MR. ______________"!!! The sounds of a 15-year-old boy and a 10-year-old boy greetings came through the phone. Their mom had called from her cell phone in the car to get them to tell me hi.

I have no idea who the kids are, but the mom is a friend of mine who has no kids, and is very happy to keep it that way....


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