Friday, July 02, 2004

Dream Recall

One of the biggest factors in bringing about Lucid Dreaming is good dream recall. That's been a real problem for me. My lifestyle is such that, with two young children who enjoy bouncing on daddy in the bed first thing in the morning, proper waking and reflection is a problem.

Add to that the fact that evening is "my time" and I enjoy staying up to read, watch TV, surf the web or play computer games on my PC. Consequently I only get about 5-6 hours of sleep a night.

Reading up about the sleep cycles, it's evident that the longer you sleep the better rested you are and the more opportunities for dream sleep. I need to overcome my desire for late nights in order to get more sleep.

Back to the mornings, I know this morning I was in the middle of a dream when I woke up - to my youngest clambering around wanting me to tell her how to turn on the DVD for Lilo and Stitch downstairs. By the time I unfogged my brain and told her to bring me the remotes, and I'd shown her how to do it, any possible hold I might've had on the dream images was gone. Slipped away like smoke.


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