Why do we forget our dreams? Why, upon waking from some imaginary journey of truly epic proportions, does it slip away like fog into the ether?
That happens to me almost every morning, with the exceptions being noted below. Last night I woke up with that particular feeling I'd dreamed something exceptional, but it instantly retreated safely back behind lock and key - teasing me, hinting from behind the door of memory that it bet I'd love to know what it was..
I guess short of hypnosis, I'll never know what the place was that I went, and what I experienced while I was there.
If I could just figure a way to improve my memory and recall, maybe that would help. I know of no such aids, though...anyone have any ideas?
Course, maybe the fact that when the kids are sleeping at the grandparents house and I get to sleep nude makes me have funny dreams....but that's just me. :)
I have found it's tougher to remember my dreams now that I have finally fallen into a normal sleep pattern (I used to be an insomniac). The longer I sleep (as in, the more uninterrupted) the less I recall. I know I have dreams, but it feels more like one long dream, and the longer it is the less I recall. When sleep is shorter and fragmented I feel like I have more dreams, and I seem to have a better shot at recalling them.
Sites and books suggest similar ideas for remembering dreams, and the one tough one is that you wake yourself up. If you set an alarm an hour ahead of when you normally wake up or a few times throughout the night you can usually catch yourself mid-dream and you can remember what it was. I personally found that unappealing since sleep is precious to me, so I never tried it. I just do my best to jot it down as soon as possible, as details fade throughout the day.
And I know it's tough to keep up a dream journal online, I have been struggling for a year to do so. In the end, once I decided it was more for myself and my own records and not to keep others amused, I enjoyed it more. I felt less pressure to post. Now I can go back and read about dreams I forgot I had and have a good chuckle. :-) Keep it up for as long as you enjoy it, but I think you'll find it's fun to look back on your wacky dreams.
It's just about the opposite for me. The less sleep I get (unless it's a catnap on the couch) the less chance I have to remember a dream. It's the longer sleeps - the Saturday morning lounge-in-bed-till-the-kids-jump-on-me sleeps - that produce the most memorable dreams.
I've heard about the "wake yourself up" tip many times, but for me it's just not possible - I know my wife wouldn't take kindly to being woken several times in the night by an alarm, just so I can try to regulate my dream-times... So that's just out.
I enjoy posting the dreams online, but I love feedback - good, bad, wierd, whatever. And yes, it's a kick to go back and read some older dreams.
Thanks for visiting! Please come back again.
I've had a couple of epic dreams where I'm only able to recall brief scenes. Those are the scenes that I have to capture otherwise the dream is lost forever.
For me, it's the urgency to either write it down or to recite outloud the scene otherwise it's lost to me forever.
I've never had the experience of sleeping in the nude, sorry to say.
I'd sleep that way all the time if it weren't for the kids - you never know when your five-year-old daughter's gonna come in in the middle of the night with a bad dream and want to snuggle.
Well interesting post. I was looking for Info on dream meaning and I came across your site and while Memory wasn't an exact match i was most interested to read what you had to say. I was looking for dream meaning infomation, I glad I came across your site I'll visit again sometime.
Well interesting post. I was looking for Info on dream guide and I came across your site and while Memory wasn't an exact match i was most interested to read what you had to say. I was looking for dream guide infomation, I glad I came across your site I'll visit again sometime.
Hi love your blog. I came across it while looking for dream dictionary. I know Memory is not an exact match but thanks for the read. I'll get on with my search for dream dictionary stuff and will visit again sometime. Take Care
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