Thursday, July 15, 2004

Dream Journal - 07/15/04

I was at a large banquet, tons of people. The atmosphere was fairly festive, yet not celebrative. People were content. The rectangular tables all seemed to connect together, and snake around so every table touched another table. They were covered in white cloths.

My son and I were there, although sitting a few seats apart. I recall a number of movie stars were there, although I only recall two in particular. Alan Rickman was serving us our dinner, and I told me son, "Look! It's Professor Snape!". Then I saw Christopher Lee sitting a few tables away from us, and I told my son, "Look! It's Count Dooku!" I tried to remember the name of the character he played in Lord of the Rings but couldn't at the time (I do now - it's Saruman).


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