Dream Journal - 06/21/05
My family and I are in my parents' house, where I grew up - except it's a bit different. It feels like a trailer rather than a house. But the interior layout is the same. My wife and daughter are in the kitchen, my son is in my old bedroom and I'm in a den that is between the other two rooms. I feel the house begin to shake and it starts to tip over backwards, as if the ground has given way underneath it. The house falls over on its back, and since my wife is with my daughter, I call to her to tell her I'm going to try and climb my way to the bedroom to find my son.
I try to cry to him, but no sound can come out.
As I reach the bedroom, finally, and see the rubble inside I can't find a sign of him. Before I can begin to search, the house tips again and suddenly begins rolling, over and over, down a large hill. We are all tossed around like dolls...