Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Dream Journal - 03/15/05

And another. Just some random images:

I have gone to visit a restaurant downtown - I'm not sure if it's here at home, or in NYC. It has a little restaurant in a big city feel. It's very dark outside, the lighting is dim inside. It's been raining so there's an oppressive feeling in the air.

I chat with the people there for a while, gather up some to-go supplies and head home.

When I reach home (my real home) I forget to bring in the to-go stuff from the car.


I take my kids with me and try to return to the restaurant, but we end up walking around the downtown area. It has a very ominous feel, and there are several savory characters lurking about - but for some reason I'm not afraid of them. We walk around trying to either find the restaurant or find our car. At one point we're waiting for an elevator outside in the street, and a hoodlum stands waiting with us. He seems menacing, but we engage him in conversation and he's very pleasant.

I feel the need to protect my kids, but I don't seem in a huge hurry to get out of the area that we are in.


At 7:20 PM, Blogger Marie said...

Food is sustenance. You found it. You tried to take it home, but couldn't bring it in. So you tried to take the kids to it, but you couldn't find it again.

What is this sustenance you're looking for?

At 9:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's an interesting observation. I hadn't thought of it that way.

But you're right - there is a sustenance I am looking for, but I'm not sure how it involves my kids. I'll have to think about the dream more in this context.


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