Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Dream Journal - 03/28/05

My wife and I are with several friends attending a huge party.

The party is actually a combination of several parties, all being held in a building that resembles a school or a conference center. Each party was in a separate room, and you had to walk down several hallways to get from one party room to another.

There was a St. Patrick's Day theme to all the parties, and everyone was wearing green from head to toe. The noise was loud and the people were raucous but not out of control.

The friends that were with us were friends we had known years ago in college, though together we didn't go to parties like this then.

I know my wife was with me, but I don't believe I ever actually saw her face. I could feel her presence with me, or behind me.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Dream Journal - 03/15/05

And another. Just some random images:

I have gone to visit a restaurant downtown - I'm not sure if it's here at home, or in NYC. It has a little restaurant in a big city feel. It's very dark outside, the lighting is dim inside. It's been raining so there's an oppressive feeling in the air.

I chat with the people there for a while, gather up some to-go supplies and head home.

When I reach home (my real home) I forget to bring in the to-go stuff from the car.


I take my kids with me and try to return to the restaurant, but we end up walking around the downtown area. It has a very ominous feel, and there are several savory characters lurking about - but for some reason I'm not afraid of them. We walk around trying to either find the restaurant or find our car. At one point we're waiting for an elevator outside in the street, and a hoodlum stands waiting with us. He seems menacing, but we engage him in conversation and he's very pleasant.

I feel the need to protect my kids, but I don't seem in a huge hurry to get out of the area that we are in.

Dream Journal - 03/14/05

A couple of quick hits - this and one to follow:

I have traveled to New York City, I believe, to work on a play. I'm not sure of my role: director, musician, stage manager. I am being housed in a fairly swanky hotel in the city. I have been put in charge of a trailer full of equipment for the show that needs to be transported to another part of the city. I was not able to drive the semi cab that brought the trailer, but I had a white pickup truck that could do the job. Only the trailer hitch on the white truck was broken, and I'm attempting to hitch it up in the load/unload area of the hotel. I go back inside to get help, and find they've closed the lobby area for the night and all is dark (in NYC?!). I do end up finding someone to ask for help but they are unable to assist me. I am telling this person all the things I have to do for this job, and more and more things keep occuring to me, as I explain it, that I've forgotten I need to do - arrange and record some music for the show, etc.

Eventually one of my (real-life) co-workers shows up in a car with someone else who I can't recall, but has no relationship with her. We end up driving around the city.