I had a humdinger of a dream Saturday night/Sunday morning. It was actually a middle-of-the-night, wake-up-when-it-finished type of dream, which are very rare for me. I can't help feel this is progress.
Fortunately, I was able to jot down several pertinent facts in my small journal I keep by my bed. More fortunately, I had had the forethought to flip the page to a blank one the last time I used it, so I didn't overwrite my previous dream in the pitch dark. Unfortunately, I meant to bring the journal to work so I could transcribe it online, but I forgot. Will do it tonight or tomorrow.
Suffice for now, the dream had to do with me performing onstage, unprepared (an older recurring dream) and dodging a rainstorm of rubber chess pieces.
UPDATE: Ok here it is:
(Note: I frequently work in theatre, both amateur and professional)
I was rehearsing for a musical onstage at an auditorium of the University I used to go to (in fact, I used to work backstage in RL at this particular auditorium) I knew the name of the play, but the character I was playing doesn't actually exist in the show. His name was Clark, and one of the numbers he does required him to use a typewriter during the song - he seems to be a secretary/clerk (clerk/Clark?) and the rhythm of the typewriter keys clacking fit in the song. Anyway, I was in the seats waiting for my cue - it came and went and I didn't make it on stage.
Later I'm running outside through a breezeway at school and it's beginning to rain. Except it's not really rain. I see dozens of small brown objects fall from the sky and bounce all over the ground. The area outside the breezeway is being deluged with them. I go over and pick one of them up - it's a small, brown rubber figurine, intricately carved or molded. I turn it over and over in my hand and finally realize that it's a chess piece (a knight I believe - it would be the most obvious chess piece). I then recall (in the dream) that this is the second time something strange has been rained lately...
Finally I recall going up an exterior stairwell to an office or studio. There are homeless people laying about on the stairs and around the floor. Someone or something tells me only certain of the homeless can be spoken to, or let inside the office.
Then I'm back in the auditorium, up in the light booth, watching the play rehearsal. There are a couple of people in the booth running lights and sound. I lean forward between the lights and sound board, and against the wall behind them there's a faucet. I accidently hit the tap, and water starts coming out, dousing the table the boards are sitting on. I turn it off quickly, and clean the water up.
Strangely, I woke up and had to go to the bathroom....