Wednesday, June 30, 2004


Welcome to everyone visiting from the Lucid Dreaming Yahoo! Group and the DreamViews Lucid Dreaming Forum. Feel free to read all you want, and comment on anything you feel is noteworthy. I'll be updating the site every time I have a dream, so hopefully if I keep having success the site will keep growing...

Right now, I've never achieved Lucidity to my knowledge, and until I recently started pursuing this goal, I have had a great deal of trouble remembering any of my dreams. This seems to be changing for the better in the last two months, so hopefully there will be more success in the future.

Again, welcome!

Monday, June 28, 2004

Dream Journal - 06/28/04

All I can recall of this dream was riding in something like a wooden rollercoaster. It wasn't moving at breakneak speeds like a regular rollercoaster, but more sedately like a monorail. I got the impression I was traveling from one place to another. In the car was a TV, and we were watching the scene behind us of the previous tracks we'd just gone over burning, exploding and crashing in heaps. And we were just outrunning the destruction.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Dream Journal - 06/27/04

A friend of mine who's told me often of her exercise routines was leading me around through a health club. I knew in my mind it was the one she attends regularly, but since I've never actually been there it looked more like they put a bunch of weights and exercise equipment into a large restaurant. The ceilings were low, the lights were dim, and people were all around working out in the shadows. She was leading me around through several rooms and hallways. That's all I remember when I woke up.

Seems to me like a familiar person is leading me through an unfamiliar and shadowy place. What does that mean?

Friday, June 25, 2004

Slight Dry Spell...

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Dream Journal - Unknown

In the Dream Journal I keep by my bed to record dreams upon waking, sometimes I'll go several days before actually transcribing them in context. Consequently the pages are filled with half-asleep stream-of-consciousness chicken scratching that requires quick transcribing while the dreams are fresh.

In transcribing the last couple of days (see here and here) I found a page I hadn't gotten down. I relate the exact contents of the text below, as it's written on the page:



(A female friend's name)

Baker Boys

No 3rd (illegible - possibly "ticket")

Box of Popcorn

(My two cats' names) in out



(A male friend's name) back of restaurant

I haven't the slightest idea what that dream was about....

Dream Journal - 06/23/04

I woke up this morning around 5:30-5:45. I'd apparently been dreaming, I could feel the, um, residual effects but couldn't remember anything so I went back to sleep. Apparently the fact that your dreaming periods within each consecutive 90-minute cycle increase as they go along is true, because I woke again in the middle of the following dream at about 6:45 (only about an hour later).

I was walking alone down a street, at night, presumably in a large city. I apparently was going to go see Jerry Seinfeld (?) and walked up to his apartment door. Someone or something there told me he wasn't home, but I should go visit his restaurant down the street. I continued down the street to a hole-in-the-wall restaurant. I don't recall it having a name, but I knew it was Jerry's. I peeked my head inside, and from the outside it looked like a diner - I believe I noticed a food counter with a cash register. I entered cautiously, not really sure whether I wanted to get a table. From the inside the interior changed fairly dramatically, and there were plants everywhere and lots of (fairly) elegant tables.

I moved over to a small table near the front where a young woman was sitting - she was apparently a cashier as well, and there was a cash register with her. I sat down at the table and ordered something (probably wasn't coffee - I don't drink coffee) and offered to pay for it with cash. She was very pleasant, but remarked that they only took credit cards - not cash. I was flabbergasted, and had never heard of anyone not taking cash.

Is this one of those 'slight unreality moments' crying out to notify me, "Hey - something's off! This is a dream!" ?

The next moment I'm sitting at another table in the restaurant with several people I don't know, but sitting across from me is Vicky Lawrence. Her hair looks unkempt, very different from her normal style - almost as if it weren't washed. I remarked that I'd seen "The Carol Burnett Show Reunion" the other day, and liked it very much. She was friendly, but rolled her eyes at the memory - apparently the reunion show had been a pain for her. I told her I switched between it and the Dick Van Dyke Show Reunion that was on at the same time.

In real life, I had watched and enjoyed both of those shows but they were not on at the same time - about a week apart, I believe. And both on CBS, so I couldn't have switched between them.

This dream was fairly real and vivid - of course, vivid to me may be a relative term, likely not having experienced what a lot of Lucid Dreamers would consider a "vivid" dream.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Dream Journal - 06/20/04

I had a humdinger of a dream Saturday night/Sunday morning. It was actually a middle-of-the-night, wake-up-when-it-finished type of dream, which are very rare for me. I can't help feel this is progress.

Fortunately, I was able to jot down several pertinent facts in my small journal I keep by my bed. More fortunately, I had had the forethought to flip the page to a blank one the last time I used it, so I didn't overwrite my previous dream in the pitch dark. Unfortunately, I meant to bring the journal to work so I could transcribe it online, but I forgot. Will do it tonight or tomorrow.

Suffice for now, the dream had to do with me performing onstage, unprepared (an older recurring dream) and dodging a rainstorm of rubber chess pieces.

UPDATE: Ok here it is:

(Note: I frequently work in theatre, both amateur and professional)

I was rehearsing for a musical onstage at an auditorium of the University I used to go to (in fact, I used to work backstage in RL at this particular auditorium) I knew the name of the play, but the character I was playing doesn't actually exist in the show. His name was Clark, and one of the numbers he does required him to use a typewriter during the song - he seems to be a secretary/clerk (clerk/Clark?) and the rhythm of the typewriter keys clacking fit in the song. Anyway, I was in the seats waiting for my cue - it came and went and I didn't make it on stage.

Later I'm running outside through a breezeway at school and it's beginning to rain. Except it's not really rain. I see dozens of small brown objects fall from the sky and bounce all over the ground. The area outside the breezeway is being deluged with them. I go over and pick one of them up - it's a small, brown rubber figurine, intricately carved or molded. I turn it over and over in my hand and finally realize that it's a chess piece (a knight I believe - it would be the most obvious chess piece). I then recall (in the dream) that this is the second time something strange has been rained lately...

Finally I recall going up an exterior stairwell to an office or studio. There are homeless people laying about on the stairs and around the floor. Someone or something tells me only certain of the homeless can be spoken to, or let inside the office.

Then I'm back in the auditorium, up in the light booth, watching the play rehearsal. There are a couple of people in the booth running lights and sound. I lean forward between the lights and sound board, and against the wall behind them there's a faucet. I accidently hit the tap, and water starts coming out, dousing the table the boards are sitting on. I turn it off quickly, and clean the water up.

Strangely, I woke up and had to go to the bathroom....

Friday, June 18, 2004

Dream Journal - 06/18/04

Just a couple short snippets. I woke up with a very sore shoulder and neck, so that took a lot of attention when I came out of the dream this morning...

Yesterday I read the 9/11 Commission's report on the circumstances of that day. I apparently dreamed about reading them, and felt very frustrated and angry. No particular actions to the dream, although I may have been watching a presentation on a very large screen or board.

After that, I dreamed I got a phone call. I answered, and a voice said, "Ok guys - go ahead..." A moment passed, and then, "HI MR. ______________"!!! The sounds of a 15-year-old boy and a 10-year-old boy greetings came through the phone. Their mom had called from her cell phone in the car to get them to tell me hi.

I have no idea who the kids are, but the mom is a friend of mine who has no kids, and is very happy to keep it that way....

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Disney Dreams Defined

The only thing can I could truly define as a "recurring" dream is what I call my "Disney Dreams (tm)"

I don't have them that often, and not as often as I used to, but simply put I dream that I, and often my family are visiting DisneyWorld. Or a reasonable facsimile thereof. In fact, more often than not it's a deliberate misrepresentation of DisneyWorld. Sometimes there are carnival rides, very often the layout is all rearranged, sometimes it's even downtown and not in Orlando. Sometimes it's Epcot, sometimes the Magic Kingdom, sometimes mixtures of the two or more.

The details and plots of the dreams always vary, but the location doesn't.

So when I mention a "Disney Dream (tm)" you know what I mean.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Dream Journal - 06/15/04

I will attempt to go back and re-record some of my more recent dreams, but I'll start with this one that I had last night. I'm getting ready for my 20th year class reunion this fall, and I dreamed last night I was there.

All I remember of the dream is seeing a female classmate I haven't seen since graduation. This particular girl I had a huge crush on in Junior High, though the attraction didn't really last through Senior High (although we became better friends).

She was perhaps my first love - in Junior High terms, that is.

There she was, at the reunion. In real life she's very short - perhaps 5'1" - and had long jet-black hair. And that was exactly as I saw her in the dream. I even commented to her, amazed, that she hadn't changed a bit. I gave her a big hug and actually picked her up. She may have wrapped her legs around me, I can't be sure, but she didn't seem to weigh anything. She was as glad to see me as I was her.

And that was all I remember. I do know there were other people around, also saying how glad they were to see her, but I don't recall any others in particular.

What should've been a reality check for me was her 18-year-old appearance (instead of 38) but since I haven't seen her for twenty years, that's all I know that she looks like. My mind somehow justified the dichotomy by rationalizing that she just hadn't aged that much.

Actual First Post

This is the first post in my Dream site.

I have, for many years, been unable to remember or control my dreams.

I have recently become quite interested in the science and art of dreams, and how they can be used to improve my life.

This site is the chronicle of my journey. I hope you enjoy it.

Note: All the entries prior to this one chronologically were entered at a later date, as I transcribe the dreams from my notes.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Dream Journal - 06/12/04

There's a girl that I was good friends with in high school, and had a crush on for a while our senior year. I've been talking to her recently about our upcoming 20th reunion and the death of one of our classmates, so she was fresh on my mind.

I dreamed she and I were together in some kind of neighborhood - sort of a quaint suburban almost Stepfordish place. Anyway, I don't remember details, except for the very last thing - I had picked her up facing me, and was holding with both hands her under her rear, and she had her legs wrapped around my waist. I remember her asking me, "Well? Do you finally want to go all the way?" (or words to that effect) and I said, "I can't - you know I'm married..."

What does that mean?

Now, how I would've gotten myself into that particular situation anyway, I have no idea. But it appears even in dreams I'm not going to go against my better judgement.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Dream Journal - 06/05/04

It was very brief - Saturday morning I was laying in bed, drowsing. I was having a Disney-dream (tm) (first one of those I've had in a good while). We were riding some kind of new Muppet ride (all of us were there - my family, my parents and my wife's parents) and the ride never went anywhere, nor had any kind of theming. The little cars just kind rode around in circles out in a yard somewhere, and I remember all of us being really disappointed.

Anyway, right at the end of the dream, I remember thinking, "Hey, this can't be real - it must be a dream!" And for a brief moment I was aware I was dreaming, and looking at myself in 3rd person, standing somewhere in the park. I then woke up, and couldn't get back to sleep.

Possibly a big step for me, I suppose. Nothing can happen without the self-awareness.

I had another dream this morning (drowsing again - I think that's the secret). All I remember was my daughter running around saying she had thrown up. She had, and I went to clean it up. My wife said to give her something light to drink, but there wasn't anything - I'd have to make something! But then I remembered we had some Pedialite popsicles. There was something about the mattresses being upright, as well.

Then we were all in a giant RV being driven around somewhere. Other than the fact I noticed it was a smooth ride, that's all I remember.

Two mornings in a row - a new record :)