I apologize for the break in posting - I've been out of town and haven't been able to keep up.
Being out of the regular routine meant sleeping longer at a time and waking up later, which meant dreams of some kind almost every night. None lucid that I recall, but compared to my dreamlife only a few short months ago, this is amazing progress.
I didn't take my dream journal with me, so I couldn't write anything down - it might've been helpful, but the simple fact that I'm dreaming with regularity now, and remembering them for the most part, is a great confidence booster.
I will attempt to follow a similar schedule and get in bed earlier. Not tonight, though :) Hopefully more journal entries - maybe with multiple dreams - will follow in the days to come.
Those that have visited, and continue to visit - thank you. Please, please offer comments on what you think might be dreamsigns and other important nuggets of information that can be gleaned from my entries. Thanks.