Thursday, July 29, 2004

Longer Dry Spell...

But I haven't gotten in bed before 1am the last several days, which I'm sure has something to do with it.

I did have a brief dream last night, and all I remember is:

I was talking to someone, and asked how much their medical procedure cost. They either held up a piece of paper or the total flashed on the screen - $4,000,000,000!!!

That's "billion" with a "B". I'd hate to be his insurance carrier..

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Dream Journal - 07/22/04

I woke up this morning and my wife said, "What in the world did you dream about last night? About 3:30 you hollered something out and woke me up!"

I recall a dream where I could hear a voice coming out of the A/C vent in the floor of our bedroom. I knelt down, trembling, and heard something talking, saying disturbing things that I don't recall now..

Maybe that was the cause of the shout, but I don't know if I dreamed that before or after. I do remember calling out, because I remember waking slightly, feeling like I have to say something and not being able to move my mouth. I struggled groggily then finally got my jaw to move and sound to come out. I remember my wife stirring, but I must've gone back to sleep immediately after.

Maybe my first new experience with sleep paralysis (though I remember it happening years ago). Maybe that's another step in the right direction.


Voices: Hearing angry and high-pitched voices in your dream indicates disappointments and unfavorable situations. Hearing voices that is barely audible indicates that you need to listen more carefully and pay attention to your inner needs.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Dream Journal - 07/20/04

Couldn't sleep well last night. I have trouble sleeping when I try to go to bed before I'm sleepy (12am this time) - toss and turn a lot.

I remember I was in charge of a small aquarium in a museum. Someone - some kid - had reached into the aquarium and swirled around all the rocks at the bottom. I had to give him a lecture about how the gravel helps keep the tank clean by filtering the waste, etc.

Something I haven't thought consciously about since I actually owned a small tank several years ago.

Then I'm lying in my bed in an unfamiliar room. My father-in-law is sitting in a chair across the room in the near-dark, chatting with me about aquariums and when we'd gotten them. I tell him my wife and I first got one when our son was small, not later when our daughter was born.


Someone was on my back, a large child or small adult. I thought it might've been a woman, so I felt around and held onto the back of their leg. They hopped down and it was a preteen boy from my church. He just grinned at me.

I woke up then and realized I was lying on my side and my wife was aslep, "spooning" me from behind. Ah.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Dream Journal - 07/19/04

Word of background: I've taken two cruises, both on Carnival.

This dream is a bit unusual for me, and I wish I had more recall of it. All I have now are vague images so I'll try and write what I do recall.

There was an incident on a cruise ship I was on. After the incident had passed, I was telling other people about what happened (that or giving a statement to police, I don't recall). I remember going over each step of what happened one by one, so it's interesting I got to relive the dream while still in the dream.

Now, when I'm actually trying to relate the sequence of events, I can't.

All I remember is: a) Standing on some steps outside the boarding ramp of the ship, and I and other passengers noticed water rising around us. b) I remember running up some other wide steps away from the ship, and there was an explosion - not so much heat and light, but force - like maybe something had rammed it, or it had collapsed.

I remember the dream being very vivid, because when I related the details (in the dream) I was able to say, step by step, what had happened.

Now I can't :(

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Welcome and thoughts...

First of all, welcome to those visiting from the Yahoo! Deep Dreaming Group. I hope you enjoy my site, and can give some insight to my dreams.

Just an observation: the last two nights I've stayed up to close to 2am on the internet. Saturday morning I slept till almost 10 (off and on) and this morning I slept till almost 8:30. Neither morning did I recall any dreams.

So, almost regardless of how many actual hours of sleep I get, the time I get to bed seems to affect my dream recall a great deal. The earlier I go to bed, the better chance.

Oh, does anyone have any success with Vitamin B6 for inducing either more vivid regular dreams or Lucid dreams?

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Dream Journal - 07/15/04

I was at a large banquet, tons of people. The atmosphere was fairly festive, yet not celebrative. People were content. The rectangular tables all seemed to connect together, and snake around so every table touched another table. They were covered in white cloths.

My son and I were there, although sitting a few seats apart. I recall a number of movie stars were there, although I only recall two in particular. Alan Rickman was serving us our dinner, and I told me son, "Look! It's Professor Snape!". Then I saw Christopher Lee sitting a few tables away from us, and I told my son, "Look! It's Count Dooku!" I tried to remember the name of the character he played in Lord of the Rings but couldn't at the time (I do now - it's Saruman).

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Dream Journal - 07/13/04

This was an interesting one. I felt like I was fully participating, rather than "watching a movie".

I dreamed I was back in Little League, on the same ball field I played when I was kid. I was sitting in the third base dugout (apparently I wasn't starting) and our team was in the field for a very long top of the first inning. There were apparently a number of batters from the other team and I watched us play, but don't recall any specific plays.

When our team finally came in to bat, I recall one of our players (Stan, a real kid I used to play with who was a killer pitcher and first baseman) bunted a ball clear over the shortshop's head and into left field. In the confusion he ran all the way to third, overshot, and had to scramble back.

The only other thing about the game I recall was a foul ball almost hitting me while I was sitting at the edge of the dugout.

The field, the players, the "feeling" - very authentic and real like I remember it. It was nice and refreshing to revisit my youngster baseball days, at least briefly - although it wasn't a Lucid Dream, it was still good.

Immediately segue to:

I'm home in a new house. Not a house I recognize. My dad is there, and he's asking me for a glass of water. I go to the kitchen to look for a glass. I open the fridge for some reason - there are glasses in there, but they're half full of liquids. Over the stove is an open cabinet with glasses. I fill one with water and give it to him.

He asks me if I remember a street in my town named Xxxxx (a real street name that I can't recall now). I remembered it, and told him another street name Yyyyyy (another real street). Then I told him I thought a friend of mine lives on that street--

Then the alarm went off and I woke up. I would've liked to knowwhere that would've ended up...

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Dream Journal - 07/11/04

This is the first opportunity I've had to notice three distinctly different dreams. I went to bed last night around 1:30am, but got up around 9:00 this morning.

1st Dream: All I recall is having something to do with being under a very large spreading tree. That's the only image I recall, but it was very distinct.

2nd Dream: This I remember most clearly. There were a number of stick or rod puppets placed around my office area. It actually wasn't my office -- it was a bit more stark and antiseptic, more like a doctor's office -- but in the dream I knew it to be mine. I and another person (female?) picked up the puppets and walked around with them, making them talk.

Then perhaps some time passed, and I was walking into my younger brother's room. His room was very hi-tech -- lots of sound and video equipment, and computers. I was gathering some CD's, DVD's and CD-ROM's that belonged to me, actually removing some of them from the components. As I was boxing them up in their boxes, my brother came in with some of his friends.

My brother's actual room never looked like that, nor did I recognize the person who was my "brother" or his friends. I do have a younger brother, but that wasn't him. Again, as in the first part, in the dream somehow I accepted who the person was.

3rd Dream: I was watching, or perhaps participating in, a Lion King sequel starting Timon's (the meerkat) brother - his name was Timon backwards, something like Nomit, but that wasn't exactly it. I watched Nomit jumping from either a crashing building or a sinking ship into the ocean.

Sometimes I fear for my sanity ;)

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Sorry about that

I apologize for the break in posting - I've been out of town and haven't been able to keep up.

Being out of the regular routine meant sleeping longer at a time and waking up later, which meant dreams of some kind almost every night. None lucid that I recall, but compared to my dreamlife only a few short months ago, this is amazing progress.

I didn't take my dream journal with me, so I couldn't write anything down - it might've been helpful, but the simple fact that I'm dreaming with regularity now, and remembering them for the most part, is a great confidence booster.

I will attempt to follow a similar schedule and get in bed earlier. Not tonight, though :) Hopefully more journal entries - maybe with multiple dreams - will follow in the days to come.

Those that have visited, and continue to visit - thank you. Please, please offer comments on what you think might be dreamsigns and other important nuggets of information that can be gleaned from my entries. Thanks.

Friday, July 02, 2004

Dream Recall

One of the biggest factors in bringing about Lucid Dreaming is good dream recall. That's been a real problem for me. My lifestyle is such that, with two young children who enjoy bouncing on daddy in the bed first thing in the morning, proper waking and reflection is a problem.

Add to that the fact that evening is "my time" and I enjoy staying up to read, watch TV, surf the web or play computer games on my PC. Consequently I only get about 5-6 hours of sleep a night.

Reading up about the sleep cycles, it's evident that the longer you sleep the better rested you are and the more opportunities for dream sleep. I need to overcome my desire for late nights in order to get more sleep.

Back to the mornings, I know this morning I was in the middle of a dream when I woke up - to my youngest clambering around wanting me to tell her how to turn on the DVD for Lilo and Stitch downstairs. By the time I unfogged my brain and told her to bring me the remotes, and I'd shown her how to do it, any possible hold I might've had on the dream images was gone. Slipped away like smoke.